Absolutely, Positively Done
I have reached many end points with Montaigne. In May 2011, I finished my first marathon run-through of the project. In 2012, my agent declared my book project ready to shop to publishers. Roughly four years ago, I put aside my personal essay series inspired by Montaigne. And in the spring of 2023, I hit…
Public Writing, Public Editing
Some may have noticed (who am I kidding, I strongly doubt that more than one person comes to my site) that the Montaigne essays disappeared for a couple days and have now returned. While I am in process of line editing the pieces, the tools I’m using work better if the text is in published…
Reflecting on Reflecting
Over the last two days, I stopped what I’ve been up to for the last six months or so, which is to continuously re-examine and revise the 107 essays, as well as adding numerous additional pieces to the project, some of which fit into the scheme of the book, some did not. And I have…
Essai by Essay, Thoughts
I’m in the process of making the final round of edits on my essays and determining if there are any that could use some updated content. I don’t expect the process to take too much longer— the focused attention on the essays these last six months have led to astounding growth in the project and…
Website Updates
If anyone has come to the site today looking for any of the Montaigne-inspired essays, you’ve probably noticed by now that the essays have been marked private. I have reached the stage where all 107 essays are now approaching final status. I have decided to take them away from public view as I go through…
Self Revealing
It’s obvious what Montaigne is up to in his project, but it’s nice to get clarifying thoughts like this from time to time (From On The Education of Children:) For likewise these are my humors and opinions; I offer them as what I believe, not what is to be believed. I aim here only at…