Essai by Essay, Thoughts

I’m in the process of making the final round of edits on my essays and determining if there are any that could use some updated content. I don’t expect the process to take too much longer— the focused attention on the essays these last six months have led to astounding growth in the project and I deeply appreciate people who have contributed in their own way.

While I have put thought in the past into trying to find a traditional publisher for the project, I’m now thinking of taking a highly non-traditional route — I’m seriously considering just giving the book away. There are different ways to go about this, I could adopt a voluntary contribution model or a free ebook, paid paperback model.

But given what I have experienced with my other ebooks, the revenue from these projects is basically non-existent and I don’t have the energy for traditional marketing. So I’m thinking of doing something even more radical.

I might just give away the book absolutely free and ask anyone who downloads it to make a voluntary charitable contribution. If someone doesn’t want to comply with the honor system, I’m going to track anyone down. But it could provide a ready-made marketing effort and allow me to test this kind of model in case I want to use it with philanthropy ghost writing clients for other books.

All of this is still in the works, so stayed tuned …

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